Tuesday, November 21, 2006

time flies when you're...

PREGNANT! yes a little addition to our family is in the works.
we've given up 2 of the 5 pugs in order to have a little more control and sanity in the house. it was a difficult decision, but the right one nevertheless. the cats are also getting new homes, since i know they'd end up in a crib trying to snuggle, they love to sleep on our heads, so better safe than sorry, right?
the weather has been great, nice and chilly, so we've been getting some use out of the fireplace. today it looked like it was going to snw, all gray outside, but this is florida and that's not gonna happen. it has before, but from a meterlogical standpoint, it's not cold enough (yet) for that.
so there's my update... more to come later on.