Tuesday, November 21, 2006

time flies when you're...

PREGNANT! yes a little addition to our family is in the works.
we've given up 2 of the 5 pugs in order to have a little more control and sanity in the house. it was a difficult decision, but the right one nevertheless. the cats are also getting new homes, since i know they'd end up in a crib trying to snuggle, they love to sleep on our heads, so better safe than sorry, right?
the weather has been great, nice and chilly, so we've been getting some use out of the fireplace. today it looked like it was going to snw, all gray outside, but this is florida and that's not gonna happen. it has before, but from a meterlogical standpoint, it's not cold enough (yet) for that.
so there's my update... more to come later on.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

is it september already?

ok so i've been slacking on the blog, bad girl bad girl!
since my last post, we've had a little addition the the household, well make that 3. bambi had 7 puppies on 23 April and somehow we went from keeping one puppy to getting bamboozled into 3, i mean how can you say, "hmmm no i don't want to keep that one."
the grass has been growing like crazy thanks to all the "extra" fertilizer these little ones are providing. their names are flower, belle and sebastian. so since were on the potty training wagon, no new sofas, hopefully they will be house broken by christmas.
within the house:
the boy's room has been painted and is looking really sweet. as a labor day present he bought a new washer and dryer set for me, i felt like such a stepford wife waiting yesterday for home depot to deliver my new toys... i know, i'm lame. the best part was i did 4 loads of laundry and was smiling!! oh yeah and rumor has it we may be getting some new tile floors in the kitchen and bathroom. like i said it's always something happeing in this old bungalow.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

we've been busy

so we've been setteling into the house. there's always something to be done around here.
so far the living room has received a fresh coat of paint, as has the bedroom. i splurged on new bedroom furniture. sofas are next... which brings me to...at the beginning of this year, we decided to inquire about pug rescue. so in feburary we became foster parents to a pair of pugs... during that time, bambi was just finishing her cycle. thumper saw his opportunity, and now she is in the family way. we think she'll have her puppies in the next week. luckily the fosters found a forever home, so all is almost normal at the house. once we get the puppies sold, we'll be getting new livingroom furniture. woo hoo.
hopefully by the new year, we have the electric upgraded and the landscaping done... now to find a good electrician and landscaper.