Thursday, November 24, 2005

gobble gobble gobble

it's our first thanksgiving in the new house. i made a traditional thanksgiving dinner yesterday since i had to work today. of course it came out great and now we have our fill of left overs. can you say turkey sandwitches?? yum!
we're in the process of making cranberry vodka as the holiday is soon approaching. it will make good gifts!
now to figure out about putting up a tree i the house for christmas. i thinnk it may be a bad idea. i can see it now: thumper lifting his leg to christen the trunk, bambi eating the lower branches and geez and chester scaling to see who can climb the highest... happy holidays!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

falling into fall

it's november and the weather has been really nice. finally starting to meet some of the other neighbors around the area. the pugs have been loving their home and backyard. they don't know what to do with all the space. our huge oaks are needing some tending to, there are a few shifty branches that are going to need fixing. so after the new year we'll need to find a tree doctor. too bad there aren't any maples or something to change their leaves into fall colors. palms and oaks really don't do the fall justice!
inside i've gotten the living and dining room and kitchen all free of clutter. i'm attempting to organize my closets, sewing and computer room by the end of the month, while the boy works on his room. i wonder which one of us will get done first? they're both in serious disarray.
turkey day is coming up. it seems i'm on schedule to work that day, so the boy will need to make the turkey without me... thanks my lucky stars he can cook!